Cyprus General
Gary Gumpert and Susan Drucker
About Us
Communication Landscapers
Urban Communication Foundation
The Urban Communication Landscape
Memories in Cypriot Soil: Detention Camp Project
Cyprus General
Studies in Media
Communication Law and Freedom of Expression
Peter Lang Book Series
Hampton Press Book Series
Contact Us


We have been working in Cyprus for 18 years, learning about media, politics and life. During that time we have focused on how changes in media and communication opportunities affect Cypriots island-wide and world-wide. We have focused on the impact of communication technology upon social relationships, particularly looking at media stereotyping and the changing nature of community viewed from a human rights perspective.

 Walking the Check Points Walk in Nicosia, Cyprus

July 23, 2012

Greek News


Interviews with Leaders of the Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot Communities

Blue Bridge on the Green Line: Division in Nicosia



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